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Swan Flight along the Milky Way

March 23 @ 17:00 - October 18 @ 22:30

Triple Shakespeare Mystery

 7-8 June 2025 ~ 25-28 September 2025 ~ 18 October 2025

This triple Shakespeare Mystery is comprised of three separate but interlinked Shakespeare Mystery events in the three locations where England’s Shakespeare theatres are located along the Milky Way of the landscape zodiac of Britain (England and Wales).

A public talk on Zoom given by Peter Dawkins prior to the three on-site events will explain the importance of these three locations.

This Zoom talk forms an essential introduction to this triple Shakespeare Mystery, after which the Shakespeare story will unfold further via the three on-site Shakespeare Mystery events, with further talks, site visits, guidance, and performances of Shakespeare plays in the Shakespeare theatres.

  1. 7-8 June 2025 – ‘The Milky Way Shakespeare North’
  2. 24-28 September 2025 – ‘The Milky Way Shakespeare Swans’
  3. 18 October 2025 – ‘The Milky Way Shakespeare South’

(Attendance at and a recording of the introductory talk will be provided for those who book for one or more of the events.)

The three locations are in key positions in the landscape zodiac of Britain/England, and were selected by the Rosicrucian authors of the Shakespeare project as important locations for Shakespeare theatres so as to echo some key stellar phenomena that occurred sequentially in the sky during the 32-year period, 1572-1604. The purpose of this ‘echoing’ was part of the Hermetic science that the English Rosicrucians, like other European Magian societies, practised.

The British landscape zodiac, which stretches across what is now England and Wales, was first identified and laid out by the ancient Britons, and afterwards continued to be used by the initiates and rulers of successive cultures, including the 16th/17th century English Rosicrucians.

The three locations, each with their nearby twin location, are at Prescot in Lancashire, Stratford-upon-Avon in Warwickshire, and Southwark in London. The first and last of these mark the two places where the Milky Way galactic meridian appears to cross the ecliptic of the Zodiac, on earth as in the sky (heaven). The middle one marks the Swan (Cygnus) that flies along the Milky Way – the constellation referred to by Ben Jonson in his eulogy to ‘The Author’ that prefaces the Shakespeare First Folio:

Sweet Swan of Avon! what a sight it were
To see thee in our waters yet appeare,
And make those flights upon the bankes of Thames,
That so did take Eliza, and our James!
But stay, I see thee in the Hemisphere
Advanc’d, and made a constellation there!

The cost for those who book for one or more of the events will include attendance at and a recording of the introductory talk, ‘The Milky Way Shakespeare’.

Please click the event links for details.

Further information will be provided via two other public talks on Zoom:

The displayed picture is a panoramic image of our Milky Way, by AstroAnthony. Wikimedia Commons: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.


March 23 @ 17:00
October 18 @ 22:30
Event Category:


01295 678 623
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