The Milky Way Shakespeare
March 23 @ 17:00 - 18:30
£15Talk on Zoom by Peter Dawkins about the three key Shakespeare Theatre locations in England that were indicated by certain stellar phenomena in the heavens during the Elizabethan-Jacobean era and brought into being in the British landscape zodiac on earth.
The British landscape zodiac, which was first identified and laid out by the ancient Britons, and used by the initiates and rulers of successive cultures, was known to the 16th/17th century English Rosicrucians. As the extraordinary stellar phenomena occurred in the Milky Way during the Elizabethan-Jacobean times, so the English Rosy Cross Shakespeare fraternity set out to establish its counterpart on earth in the British (English) landscape zodiac, knowing that if they were successful, great things could occur.
These three Shakespeare Theatre locations exist today, and are thriving and helping to spread the Shakespeare inspiration, artistry, education and entertainment throughout the world. As the ancient axiom says, “Time brings forth the hidden truth,” so it is now the right time for the deeper reason to be known more publicly as to why this huge success has occurred – the reason being a science that the world has largely forgotten or ignored, or never appreciated or knew.
For those who attend the talk, there will be time for questions, answers and insights after the talk. This post-talk sharing is usually full of extra information.
To book, please contact the Organiser (FBRT).
On receipt of payment, the Zoom link will be sent to you.
A recording of the talk (but not of the sharing afterwards) can be made available for attendees if requested, as also for those who pay for the talk but do not attend it live on Zoom. Please contact the Organiser (FBRT).