Essays (Hermes)

Essays (Hermes)

“The essential form of knowledge… is nothing but a representation of truth: for the truth of being
and the truth of knowing are one, differing no more than the direct beam and the beam reflected.”
Francis Bacon: Cupid and Coelum, On Principles and Origins
The essays listed below are authored by Peter Dawkins unless otherwise stated.

  • Advancement of Learning Secrets
    Description of the highly symbolic and meaningful frontispiece to the 1640 English edition of Francis Bacon’s Advancement and Proficience of Learning.
  • The Magnificence of the Great Instauration
    An in-depth account of Sir Francis Bacon's Great Instauration or Six Days Work to create a loving, wise and illumined Paradise on earth.
  • New Atlantis: A Work Unfinished
    Original English text of Francis Bacon's New Atlantis.
  • Francis Bacon's New Atlantis
    A commentary on Francis Bacon's utopian novel concerning the Island of Bensalem and Salomon's House—the Rosicrucian College of the Six Days Work.
  • Hidden Truth brought forth by Time
    The profound significance of the title page emblem of the first edition of Francis Bacon’s New Atlantis.
  • Timely Truths Revealed
    Biblical, historical and esoteric truths concerning the ancient proverbs, “Time brings forth the hidden Truth” and “Truth is the daughter of Time".
  • The Secret Signature
    The AA Sigil of the Mystery Schools and Secret Signature of Sir Francis Bacon, Shakespeare and the Rosicrucians.
  • Baconian-Rosicrucian Ciphers
    An introduction to the cryptography used by Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucian-Freemasonic fraternity.
  • The Fra Rosie Cross Cipher 287
    The veracity of the cipher 287 of the Rosicrucian Fraternity that signs various books of the 16th and 17th centuries, including the Shakespeare works.
  • Rosicrucian Matters & Mathematics
    An account of how the Rosicrucian Fraternity came into being, its work, its mathematics, and its Gemini keyholders, Bacon and Shakespeare.
  • Secrets of the Rosy Cross
    The meanings behind the symbolism of the Fraternity of the Golden and Rosy Cross and its association with Francis Bacon and John Dee.
  • Geocosmology, Hermeticism & the Great Instauration
    A description of Geocosmology as a Hermetic science of the mysteries and an important part of Francis Bacon’s Great Instauration.
  • Something from Nothing
    The great philosophical question, answered by the great philosophers, scientists, religions and mystery schools, including Sir Francis Bacon and John Dee.
  • Pantheism
    The Orphic, Platonic, Kabbalistic and Christian Pantheism of the philosopher Sir Francis Bacon, Viscount St Alban, Lord Chancellor.