Essays (Bacon)

Essays (Bacon)

“The essential form of knowledge… is nothing but a representation of truth: for the truth of being
and the truth of knowing are one, differing no more than the direct beam and the beam reflected.”
Francis Bacon: Cupid and Coelum, On Principles and Origins
The essays listed below are authored by Peter Dawkins unless otherwise stated.

  • The Mystery of Francis Bacon's Name
    The importance of Francis Bacon’s name and the mystery or mysteries connected with it.
  • Francis St Alban
    An elucidation of Sir Francis Bacon’s title of Viscount Saint Alban, which deliberately references the saint, St Alban, and not the place, St Albans.
  • The Two St Albans
    The history, legends, symbolism and parallels between the 3rd century martyr,
    St Alban, and the 17th century martyr, Francis St Alban (Francis Bacon).
  • Sir Francis Bacon the Third Plato
    Sir Francis Bacon’s meaningful portrayal as the Third Plato, philosopher and poet, Apollo and Shakespeare.
  • Elias the Artist
    The appearance of Elias the Artist as prophesied by Paracelsus, and his connection with the Rosicrucian fraternity and Francis Bacon.
  • Life of Sir Francis Bacon
    A brief historical sketch of the life of the poet, philosopher, statesman and lord chancellor, Sir Francis Bacon, Baron Verulam of Verulam, Viscount St Alban.
  • Life of Anthony Bacon
    A brief historical sketch of the life of Anthony Bacon, poet and intelligencer, brother of Sir Francis Bacon and son of Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord Keeper.
  • The Bacon Brothers and France
    Francis Bacon’s and Anthony Bacon’s travels in France and subsequent involvement in the Shakespeare Circle and birth of the Shakespeare plays.
  • The Bacon Brothers and Italy
    Francis Bacon’s and Anthony Bacon’s connections with Italy, their intelligence network and association with the Shakespeare plays.
  • Rawley's Life of Francis Bacon
    The autobiography of Sir Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, Viscount St. Alban, by William Rawley, Bacon’s private chaplain and literary executor.
  • The French Academy
    Francis Bacon’s connection with and possible authorship of ‘Academie Francoise’ by Pierre de la Primaudaye.
  • The First Queen's Council
    Francis Bacon, the first Queen's Council and King's Council, learned in the law.
  • The Missing Head of Bacon
  • The burial and disappearance of the head and body of Sir Francis Bacon, Baron Verulam of Verulam, Viscount St Alban.
  • Portraits of Francis Bacon
    Original and other Portraits of Sir Francis Bacon, Baron Verulam of Verulam, Viscount St Alban, Lord Chancellor.
  • Bacon Heraldry
    The heraldic coat of arms of Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, and of Sir Francis Bacon, Viscount St Alban, Lord Chancellor.