The Milky Way Shakespeare South
October 18

This Saturday all-day event, led by Peter and Sarah Dawkins, will take place in London, with a visit to Canonbury Tower, Islington, and the Shakespeare Globe Theatre, Southwark.
The day will start with a private visit to and talk in Canonbury Tower, part of the Tudor Manor House of Canonbury, where many Freemasonic and Rosicrucian ‘Shakespeare’ secrets are hidden. After lunch, this will be followed by an educational journey south to St John’s Gate, St Bartholomew’s Abbey, and St Paul’s Cathedral, then across the river to the Shakespeare Globe Theatre on the south bank, with a pre-theatre dinner en route. At Shakespeare’s Globe we will join the audience for a candlelit performance of a play in the Sam Wannamaker Theatre – a playhouse modelled on the indoor candlelit theatres of Shakespeare’s London.
The Shakespeare Globe Theatre is not far from the White Tower of London on Bryn Gwynt (‘the White Hill’), which for the Celts seems to have marked the southern crossing point of the Milky Way meridian and the ecliptic of the landscape zodiac of Britain (England and Wales), which is the cusp of Sagittarius-Scorpio in the celestial zodiac in the sky.
The number of attendees for this event is limited (max.15).
Cost (including ‘The Milky Way Shakespeare’ Zoom talk) = TBA
To book, please contact the Organiser (FBRT).
On acceptance of the booking, a link to the Zoom talk, ‘The Milky Way Shakespeare’, on 23 March 2025 will be sent to you. In addition, a recording of the talk (but not of the sharing afterwards) will be made available to you. (If your booking is made after 22 March 2025, only the recording will be available). This talk is essential for understanding the reason for this event and the other two events in this triple Shakespeare Mystery.
The displayed picture is a panoramic image of our Milky Way, by AstroAnthony. (Wikimedia Commons: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.)