

Welcome to this website about the philosophy, life and work of Sir Francis Bacon and the ‘Shakespeare’ Rosicrucian Fraternity—and in particular the wisdom of which they were the light-bearers, preservers and transmitters.

It is this wisdom which is of particular use to us today, and which is increasingly being rediscovered and revealed, plus new wisdom discovered thanks largely to Francis Bacon who gave us the means to do so.

Bacon, aka Francis Rosicrosse—the “great light” Elias the Artist prophesied by Paracelsus—was the herald of the new age now dawning. Such a herald, like the biblical prophet Elijah, is a preparer of the way, who helps to prepare us for the Greater Light that will appear "at the end of time" when we discover the Truth.

To help us, Bacon gave us an Art of Discovery, the training for which is a "game of hide and seek". There are several levels of the game of hide and seek in this training programme:

  • The Scientific Programme, wherein we learn to test out our speculations, to see if they are true or not, and whether they have any practical value or not.
  • The Shakespeare Experience, wherein we can discover truths concerning our desires, thoughts and actions, and their results, and begin to see the real truth to aim for.
  • The Shakespeare Authorship Question, whereby we can discover the true author or authors of the Shakespeare works—the poems, sonnets and plays—and thereby discover the Author of All.
  • Freemasonry, wherein by searching for the Lost Word we are trained in the morality necessary to find it.
  • Rosicrucianism, wherein by operating the Word we have found, we can discover even greater truths, and ultimately the Truth of all truths.

All this is drama, whereby we are the actors on the stage of the world, as Shakespeare describes it, and all drama consists of Mysteries, of which there are many levels or degrees.

Drama is Poetry in motion, and it is Poetry that builds the ‘Pyramid’ of Philosophy and Science, which Science is the knowledge of the Wisdom of the Divinity which inspires the Poetry, and creates, sustains and transforms the Universe.

Poetry (“Poesie”) is Part 4 of the six-part Great Instauration, which Bacon aptly describes as the “Ladder of the Intellect”.

Another apt name he gives this Part 4 is “Thread of the Labyrinth,” for many clues are provided for us to find our way.

Latest News

2024 Quatercentenary

The solstice-equinox talks on Zoom this year are designed to celebrate the Quatercentenary of the great cipher manual, Cryptomenytices et Cryptographiae, and to reveal some of the clues to solve the Mystery of the Shakespeare Authorship and the deeper Wisdom underlying it.

There will also be a special event in Milan, with pre-event talks on Zoom, concerning the Mystery of the Shakespeare play, The Tempest, and of Milan, and of Prospero, Duke of Milan, and of the magic that can be performed to help the world.

2024 Upcoming Events

*For information on the Grail Land, see 'The European Myth and Mystery' essay on this website, and the Zoence webpage 'The Grail Land of Europe'.

FBRT YouTube Videos

All the video recordings of FBRT talks by Peter Dawkins marking last year's Quatercentenary of the Twin 1623 Bacon-Shakespeare Folios are now available for public viewing on the FBRT YouTube channel:

Also available on YouTube is the Rosy Cross Blazing Star talk which reveals how the Elizabethan-Jacobean Society of the Golden and Rosy Cross  (i.e. the original Rosicrucians) worked with the great conjunctions and oppositions of Saturn and Jupiter in the heavens, marrying heaven and earth and thereby creating a ‘Blazing Star’ whose 'light' has effected the world powerfully ever since.

At the top of this FBRT website homepage is a button that will take you to the FBRT YouTube channel. It is the middle button of the three buttons that are displayed next to the larger button that takes you to the FBRT Friends Area.

New Essay

The essay, The 1623 Revelation of the Baconian-Rosicrucian Great Instauration by Peter Dawkins, is now available via this homepage (click link) or in the Essays section of this website. The essay describes the significance of the twinning of the 1623 publications, the Shakespeare First Folio and Francis Bacon’s De Dignitate et Augmentis Scientiarum.


This website displays many key illustrations of interest, including some portraits, which can be found via the Resources dropdown menu. But for all known portraits of Francis Bacon painted from life, a good presentation can be found on Sir Bacon.org.

Associated websites (recommended)

Zoence: Pathways to Wisdom
The Francis Bacon Society
A. Phoenix Research Papers (Academia.edu – A. Phoenix)
Sir Francis Bacon’s New Advancement of Learning
Spearshaker Productions
Jono Freeman YouTube Channel
Light of Truth
Philosophy: Its Origin, Purpose and Destiny (Alexander Sachon) – see VI. Francis Bacon, Godfather of the Scientific Age.

FBRT Mailing List

If you would like to receive prior email announcements of new essays, events, videos and book releases, please sign up to our Mailing List. 

FBRT Friendship

Friends are sent a bi-annual in-depth newsletter, sharing research, knowledge, insights, event descriptions and reports, and a frequent MailChimp email with latest news, information from FBRT Friends, and notifications of upcoming events and talks, etc. In addition Friends have access to an online archive of past newsletters, reports, essays and video recordings of talks for FBRT Friends only.




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