

Welcome to this website about the wisdom, philosophy, life and work of Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucian 'Spear-shaker' Fraternity.

Francis Bacon, aka Francis Rosicrosse – the “great light”, Elias the Artist, prophesied by Paracelsus – was the herald of the new Age now dawning. Such a herald, like the biblical prophet Elijah, is a preparer of the way, who helps us prepare for and experience the Greater Light that will appear "at the end of time". He did not act alone.

Bacon's great project, which is also that of the Rosicrucian Fraternity, is called 'The Great Instauration', whose purpose is the reformation of the whole world by means of renewing all arts and sciences based upon the foundation stone of Wisdom, the Word of God (i.e. Love) that is the Will of God, or, in human terms, goodwill.

The Great Instauration is a world-wide work by means of which we can discover the laws of the universe, physical and metaphysical, and use those laws beneficially to build a paradise on earth.

To help us, Bacon, who saw himself as a Hermes Trismegistus, gave us an Art of Discovery.

He also, with the help of others, provided the Shakespeare works, to help guide us and show us a method by means of which humanity might become enlightened human beings who practice the universal law of love and friendship – a 'Double Truth' that is key to all things.

Latest News

2025 Events

Events during 2025 will include talks on Zoom at the equinoxes and solstices, as in previous years. The adverts for these are now published on this website (see Events).

New Web Page

A new web page has been added to this website. It is called 'The Art of Discovery' and can be found in the Hermes section.

FBRT YouTube Videos

All the video recordings of the 2023 FBRT illustrated talks on Zoom by Peter Dawkins are available for public viewing on the FBRT YouTube channel:

  1. The 1623 Twin Rosicrucian Publications, Keys to the Rosicrucian Mysteries
  2. The Golden Key to the Rosicrucian Mysteries & Labour of Love
  3. The Silver Key to the Rosicrucian Mysteries & Labour of Love
  4. Opening the Door to the Rosicrucian Hermetic Mystery
  5. 'The Rosy Cross Blazing Star, Then and Now'

The video recordings of the 2024 FBRT illustrated talks on Zoom by Peter Dawkins re. the great cipher manual, Cryptomenitices et Cryptographiae, are available to those who have paid for them, and are in the process of being made available to all FBRT Friends for free.

Video recordings of the 2024 Milan talks are available only to those who pay or have paid for them. Email FBRT .

At the top of this FBRT website homepage is a small grey button that will take you to the FBRT YouTube channel. It is the middle button of the three buttons that are displayed next to the larger button that takes you to the FBRT Friends Area.


This website displays many key illustrations of interest, including some portraits, which can be found via the Resources dropdown menu. But for all known portraits of Francis Bacon painted from life, a good presentation can be found on Sir Bacon.org.

Associated websites (recommended)

Zoence: Pathways to Wisdom
The Francis Bacon Society
A. Phoenix Research Papers (Academia.edu – A. Phoenix)
Sir Bacon.org
Spearshaker Productions
Jono Freeman YouTube Channel
Light of Truth
The Shakespeare Foundation
To Be Or Not to Be
Philosophy: Its Origin, Purpose and Destiny (Alexander Sachon) – see VI. Francis Bacon, Godfather of the Scientific Age.

FBRT Mailing List

If you would like to receive prior email announcements of new essays, events, videos and book releases, please sign up to our Mailing List. 

FBRT Friendship

Friends are sent a bi-annual in-depth newsletter, sharing research, knowledge, insights, event descriptions and reports, and a frequent MailChimp email with latest news, information from FBRT Friends, and notifications of upcoming events and talks, etc. In addition Friends have access to an online archive of past newsletters, reports, essays and video recordings of talks for FBRT Friends only.




As an educational charity, the Trust relies on donations and sponsorship for its continuing work and existence.