The Orphic Mysteries

In this Fintry Trust Zoom meeting Peter and Sarah Dawkins will bring different perspectives to the important subject of the Orphic Mysteries. Peter will look first at the connection between these Mysteries and the landscape of the Rila and Rhodope Mountains (present day Bulgaria), where it is believed that they originated. Orpheus is seen as ... Read more


Swan Flight: The Third Heaven

A celebration of the Quatercentenary of the 1624 great cipher manual, Cryptomenytices et Cryptographiae, led by Peter and Sarah Dawkins in England, and Heidemarie and Oliver Falldorf in Germany.  This hybrid event will include a 3-day site visit in Germany to Wienhausen Abbey, Celle, Hitzacker and Luneburg led by Oliver and Heidemarie Falldorf (24-26 May), ... Read more

Cryptomenytices et Cryptographiae, intelligencers, and Cryptology generally

Talk on Zoom by Peter Dawkins, giving some background information about Cryptomenytices et Cryptographiae, its author, and the secret society and intelligence networks involved. The great cipher manual, Cryptomenytices et Cryptographiae, was published in 1624, the year immediately after the 1623 twin Folios, Francis Bacon's De Dignitate et Augmentis Scientiarum and the Shakespeare First Folio, ... Read more


The Rosy Cross Blazing Star, Then and Now

A talk on Zoom by Peter Dawkins, to explain what the Rosy Cross Blazing Star is, when it occurred, and how it has been affecting us now as we move into the new Great Age. Truth is always double and for that reason is known traditionally as the Double Truth. Then and Now is a ... Read more

The Second Trithemius, the Rosicrucian Master

A talk on Zoom by Peter Dawkins, demonstrating how Cryptomenytices et Cryptographiae, the encyclopaedic cipher manual published in 1624, reveals the Rosicrucian Master known as the Second Trithemius, together with cryptography that enshrines a wisdom that speaks of universal laws. This talk is the third of the series of five talks on Rosicrucian Cryptography that ... Read more


Cryptic Meanings of Rosicrucian Headpieces and other such emblems

A talk on Zoom by Peter Dawkins, about the cryptography and meanings of key headpieces used in Duke Augustus’ Cryptomenytices et Cryptographiae, Francis Bacon’s De Dignitate et Augmentis Scientiarum, and the Shakespeare Poems, Sonnets and First Folio of Plays, including the secret signatures of the authors of the Shakespeare works. This talk is the fourth ... Read more
